Eating fish high in omega-3 fatty acids is important for a well-balanced healthy diet. The American Heart Association suggests that people eat at least two servings of salmon (or another fish high in omega-3's) each week. This recipe is quick, easy, and a true gourmet dining experience.
Preparation Time: 35 minutes
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees and oil a roasting pan. Coat the filets with olive oil, ground salt and pepper and lay on pan. Top each filet with a tarragon sprig. Mix the chopped tomato with the onion and sprinkle over salmon. Roast until juices begin to college in the pan and the salmon begins to flake, about 10-12 minutes depending on thickness. Remove salmon and let sit for ten minutes. Splash fish with olive oil and red-wine vinegar and serve with tomato/onion topping. Serves 6. Roughly 375 calories per serving.