EDITOR'S NOTE: Guest blogger Cynthia Parrott is a busy working woman who manages to find the time for fitness, diet and the writing of great advice for health-conscious women.
I recently heard about a popular radio personality who criticized the First Lady for ordering short ribs while on a ski vacation with her daughters. In his "rush" to judgment, he seems to think Michelle Obama is a hypocrite for doing so -- and that she does not follow the advice she gives to others about eating well.
Days later the finger-pointing and the controversy over her meal is still going on. Oh, my goodness!
The President's wife ate ribs. Big deal. She is human. She's normal. She is just like us.
A hypocrite would order a salad while everyone was watching, have big old box of ribs delivered to the hotel room, and devour every last one of them in private.
Michelle Obama has taken on the challenge of a growing epidemic in our nation: Obesity. She is responsible for the Let's Move Campaign.
This is a cause dear to her heart but does it mean she should be sentenced to a diet of boring, bland, fat-free, sugar-free food? I don't think so!
She indulged in some short ribs. So, should she give up her whole mission now?
Picture yourself on vacation, relaxing and enjoying your family. You have a choice of platter of ribs OR the same old grilled chicken you eat almost every single night for dinner. I don't even eat meat, but if I did, I would choose the ribs!
Incidentally, her rib platter came with a side of steamed locally grown kale. Sounds good to me!
Imagine living in White House with the best chefs in the world at your disposal -- they're ready, willing and able to whip up any meal or sinful dessert your little heart desires 24/7. A quick call down to the kitchen and you could have anything you want. That would be so hard to resist.
The fact that our First Lady can still wear designer dresses and has not yet enlisted the services of Omar the Tent Maker speaks for itself. She is obviously disciplined and practices what she preaches regularly.
I am glad Michelle Obama said yes to those short ribs. I hope she licked her fingers clean after each delicious bite. Why should she say no? Why should you?
Saying no all the time is just going to frustrate and aggravate you to the point that you might give up and completely sabotage your healthy eating or weight loss efforts.
And, just because you take stand for healthy eating doesn't mean you are a hypocrite for enjoying a hot fudge sundae or another tempting treat now and then.
I learned that lesson myself not long ago. You can read about it in my recent Mac 'n Cheese confession blog.
If you want lose weight or simply maintain it, you must make a life-time commitment to healthy, sensible eating. A daily diet rich in lean protein, whole grains, and lots of fruits and vegetables is key.
There is no quick fix, miracle pill, or magic diet -- at least not if you want life-changing results. Fad diets come and go, but so does the up and down roller coaster of weight loss and weight gain.
When your daily diet is well balanced and wholesome, you can achieve your goals of good health, a comfortable weight, and wear the dress size you have always wanted for the rest of your life.
And you can say YES every now and then to the short ribs or anything else you want.
The ones who criticize you for indulging? They obviously have their own issues with food and want what you have. Forget about them!
I don't ever want to be a slave to a diet or deny myself. I love pasta, pizza, ice cream and chocolate just like everyone else. I don't want to say no, so there are times I say yes.
I love being healthy, looking great, and wearing my size 8 jeans. That keeps me from saying yes a little too often.
About Cynthia: I am a Certified Holistic Health and Nutritional Counselor. My company is Metamorphosis Consulting and I have been in private practice for over 10 years. I believe we can completely transform our lives by nourishing our bodies, our minds, and our spirits. It is my desire to help others achieve their health and nutritional goals, their personal goals, and to live the life they have always dreamed of. Learn more at www.truemetamorphosis.org and www.cyndaily.com.