Diet-to-Go Blog
  1. Weekly Weigh-In: I'm Down Another 1.8 lbs... 14.2 Overall!

    Boy, it never gets old reporting about personal weight loss! My handy dandy scale is my friend again -- I have lost 1.8 pounds since my last weigh-in and a total of 14.2 pounds since I began my Diet-to-Go Balance meal plan! It's such an exciting yet simple concept. Diet-to-Go sends me my food. I heat and eat the delicious meals. And I lose weight while enjoying awesome food!This ain't dieting. This is living it up!!!So how is your weight loss resolution faring? If you've hit a plateau or you're stumbling a bit, take a few steps to right yourself....

  2. Fat Tuesday: 7 Outrageous Restaurant Meals to Run From!

    My Facebook friend Betsy sent her old pal Mr. Bad Food a recent post lamenting the "salad" she ate at a neighborhood Chili's. The post -- reprinted below -- got me thinking it's time to start looking at some of the worst foods on the menu at some of our favorite fast food/sit-down casual kind of joints. So in honor of "Fat Tuesday" -- you can check out the history of this day here at Wikipedia -- Mr. Bad Food is serving up a 7-course menu of eat-out foods you must bypass before your heart needs a bypass!Coming in at...

  3. Top 5 iPhone Paid Fitness & Workout Apps + 20 Free Bonus Apps

    When we set out to write this post, we intended it to be a top list of every weight loss related app in the appstore, but quickly realized that there are over 1,000 apps related in some way to weight loss including: calorie counters, food diaries, weigh-in logs, heart rate monitors, pedometers, nutrition trackers, and everything in between. Apps range from the practical to the downright silly. We simply had to narrow it down, and the topic that caught our attention the most was the "fitness & workout" category. There are some truly amazing apps out there that can help you...

  4. Friday Fun Post: Hilarious Diet Search Phrases for January

    I have been laughing a lot in the last couple of hours... Today I had the opportunity to review some of the search phrases people typed in to find the Diet-to-Go website in January. All I can say is WOW! Where do people come up with this stuff??!!I couldn't help but write a blog post on the subject. Maybe we will make this a regular monthly feature. Not only is it hilarious to see what some people have typed in, you get a pretty good feel for trends and discover the power of Google....

  5. Diet Blog Carnival: 10 Foods That Burn Fat + 4 More Blogs

    Another week has come and gone and we've compiled another all-star lineup of great diet and fitness blogs for our Diet Blog Carnival. Check out these great entries that include "10 Food that Burn Fat" and "Not all Sugars are Created Equal."If you see a blog that you think is important enough to share with the world, then please submit it to Diet-to-Go. The submission link is at the bottom of today's top 5 blog posts!#5) Everything you need to know about whole grainsI've been asked, "if whole grain flour/bread has the same calories as white flour/bread, then why...

  6. Get Cookin' with Sally's Money-Saving Kitchen Tips

    We love it when you buy our foods. We're here for you whenever the need arises for healthy and hearty home-delivered or locally picked up meals that meet the guidelines of major health organizations.Our meals can help you lose weight, improve your overall health, and survive those busy stretches of life that leave you too little time to food shop or cook.But, we do know you don't need us every week, so there will be times that you do need to cook for you or your family.And when you do find yourself in your kitchen we want you to continue...

  7. No Gain, No Pain: My Post Super Bowl Weigh-In

    The Super Bowl sacks many a diet. While this year's big game hasn't ended my dreams of weight loss, it sure has made me run an end-around on my path to a healthier weight.As regular followers of Mr. Bad Food know, I slipped and skidded on Super Bowl Sunday -- and not because of a football viewing party. My trigger was -- of all things -- a History Channel show on classic American foods.The pre-game run to a rib joint was followed by a game-time grazing of pizza and wings. Luckily, my one-day disaster hasn't proved disastrous for my overall...

  8. 5 Ways to Train Your Brain, Trim Your Tummy

    In his 1973 hit Mind Games, John Lennon sang "We're playing those mind games together, pushing barriers, planting seeds..." At times I miss the late Beatle as much as I miss my 32-inch waistline.Today we're going to resurrect Lennon's Mind Games message: You can use your brain to make great strides.That means you can imagine world peace and work towards it or you can visualize a slimmer, healthier you and get on the right track to make that happen.Despite what it may feel like at times, neither goal is impossible. So let's start playing those mind games together -- we'll...

  9. Why We Tend to Get Fatter During Cold Weather

    A few weeks ago I jokingly said that if animals gain weight to survive the winter, well maybe we should too. I was trying to worm my way out of my current diet and postpone weight loss until the spring.This past week, I got some cold hard facts about cold weather and weight gain from Tom Venuto, a fat-loss expert, nutrition researcher, and natural steroid-free bodybuilder. So do we really get fatter during cold weather, Tom?The answer is YES, according to Venuto, the author of The Body Fat Solution: Five Principles for Burning Fat, Building Lean Muscle, Ending Emotional...

  10. Diet Blog Carnival: Cost of Being Overweight + 4 More Great Blogs

    Mr. Bad Food is back to play ringmaster for our weekly Diet Blog Carnival.Step right up and read five of the best submissions of the week, including a great look at the cost of being overweight and insights into surviving the Super Bowl and all the party food you pah... pah... pah... pah...pah... put in your face!Okay, call me Lady Gag-a! But please push forward and check out our fun and informative Friday Diet Blog Carnival.If you're good, we'll give you sugar-free cotton candy for the ride home!#5) Super ways to survive the Super BowlThe Super Bowl means different things...

  11. Book Nook: Switch Off Your Appetite... with Carbs!?

    Feeling down about your weight? It may be time to rejoice and maybe even reacquaint yourelf with some of the foods you cut out during your attempt to drop a few pounds.CARB is no longer a four-letter word for us dieters! In the new paperback version of their best-selling The Serotonin Power Diet (Rodale), renowned scientist Judith Wurtman, PhD, and her co-writer, Nina T. Frusztajer, MD, detail the power of carbs which they say help us...Activate the appetite-suppressant function of serotonin to stop weight gainRegain control over emotional overeating and cravingsLose up to 2 pounds of real weight...

  12. Week 4 Weigh-In: I lost 2.6 lbs this week and 12.4 lbs overall!

    Happy days are here again: My scale number is back to moving in the right -- as in light -- direction! My scale tells me that I lost 2.6 pounds this past week for a four-week total of 12.4 pounds. For those of you who like statistics, that's a healthy average of 3.1 pounds lost per week.I have to confess... I have done well even without starting my fitness plan. It excites me to think of how my metabolism will kick into overdrive once I start walking and working out on a regular basis.As I glance out my home office...

  13. 5 Ways to Evaluate Your Weight Loss Journey

    As Bette Midler sings -- and Donkey in Shrek, too -- ya gotta have friends! Having someone you trust to provide support and tough love is essential when you are facing a challenge.Dieting is a challenge... so you gotta have friends.During my 10 years in this field of health, wellness, diet and fitness, I've accumulated quite a few great friends. Some I have yet to meet, but that hasn't stopped me from forging great phone/email relationships.Total wellness guru Alicia Kirschenheiter has become one of my best friends. And that's a good thing because, as I try to lose weight, I...

  14. Monday Meanderings: 4 Superfoods for Super Health

    By following my Diet-to-Go Balance meal plan, I am eating foods that fit nicely into the suggested dietary guidelines of major health organizations like the American Heart Association and American Dietetic Association.It's nice to have good foods sent to me. I don't have to worry about plotting out a healthy week of dining. Nor do I have to go shopping and sidestep all those dietary landmines while buying only healthy foods.Why is it such a big deal? Well, most of us don't have a degree in nutrition nor do we take the time to research and study the foods...

  15. Diet Blog Carnival: The 19 Healthiest Foods + 4 More Great Diet Blogs

    Can you believe another week has come and gone -- and it's time again for the exciting and insightful Diet-to-Go Diet Blog Carnival!?Well step right up and check out the five best blogs submitted to Diet-to-Go by readers just like you!#5: Why is the Biggest Loser Such a Big Winner?Every week I talk to a surprising number of women who have either applied for The Biggest Loser, or have seriously considered it. It just goes to show that otherwise intelligent women will still consider doing just about anything for the promise of big weight loss.They acknowledge it might include some...

  16. Book Nook: Fat to Fit in Only 10 Minutes a Day!

    Forner NFL player Dave Hubbard has come up with what he calls a new formula for fitness -- a formula that will transform your body and energize your life.And it only takes 10 MINUTES A DAY to see results!If we can't find 10 minutes a day for fitness, then we're in deep doo-doo here folks.Hubbard, who way back in the '70s played on the offensive line for the New Orleans Saints, developed his fast and effective workout after hurting his back in a skydiving accident.For Hubbard, long sessions at the gym were no longer possible. And he soon discovered they...

  17. 5 Reasons (okay, EXCUSES) Why My Weight Hasn't Changed

    I just had my fourth weigh-in since starting my diet three weeks ago. While my first week's closing number of 225.2 surprised and excited me, things just haven't been moving in the right direction since then.Last week I was exactly the same weight; this week I am actually ONE POUND HEAVIER!It's disturbing and frustrating... but like any good dieter, I have EXCUSES -- five of them, in fact!Excuse #1: Faulty EquipmentI'm referring to my scales.... yes scales. I went out and bought a new one after last week's shocking weigh-in results. I realize this category could very well refer to...

  18. 13 Shopping Tips to Stretch Your Food Dollar

    I enjoy food shopping. However, more often than not, I come away from my local Walmart or Weis with a cart that's crammed and overflowing with unplanned purchases.Did I really need three large bags of Jalapeno Krunchers that cost me more than $11 or those three half gallons of ice cream that cost me hundreds of extra calories?Of course not. But that's how I shop... or, as my wife is fond of saying, that's how I buy.Shopping should mean looking for deals and sticking to a list, not just grabbing a pack of cupcakes or a frozen pizza just because...

  19. Monday Meanderings: Why You Need to Show a Child You Care

    A healthy lifestyle is much more than a diet and exercise program. It encompasses just about everything we do -- and that includes how we raise our children.I have two kids -- Jonathan, 12, and Caelyn, 10 -- but I am by no means an expert on parenting. Lucky for me and you, I do know parenting experts, including Paula Statman, author of Raising Careful Confident Kids in a Crazy World.Paula says, "A child who feels loved is less likely to look for love in the wrong places... from the wrong people. It's a documented fact that kids who feel...

  20. Diet Blog Carnival: The Week's Best Diet Blogs from Around the Web

    Mmmm... I can almost smell the fried sausage, peppers and onions and the fried dough. Why? Well, because it's that time again -- Diet Blog Carnival time!Each Friday Diet-to-Go will post links to some of the best dieting blogs submitted by people just like you. If you want to enter the carnival and shoot for a spot in our weekly round-up click here now.(We promise it's easier than shooting a basketball through that bent, tiny rim at the real carnival!) Winners, winners chicken dinners... #5. How Do You Lose Weight Fast? This is a question that can be very...

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