Diet-to-Go Blog
  1. Weights or Cardio: What Works Best?

    Special for Diet-to-Go Weights vs. Cardio -- which works best for burning more fat and calories? Hmm… good question. Let me just start out by saying that they both serve their purpose and have their exclusive benefits. The real question is, “What are your goals?” Coming to terms with what you’re trying to accomplish is really what determines which modality best serves you. Ideally I would say training with weights and doing cardio is your best bet to achieve overall fitness. They namely target different systems. Cardiovascular exercise strengthens the lungs, vessels and heart, while weight training uses...

  2. Sweet News About Sugar

    Higher levels of sugar are okay… when the sugar sources are natural! But just to be on the safe side, we asked our food sleuths to put the spotlight on sugar – check out what they found. When it comes to added sugar versus natural sugar, there is a very important distinction. First, sugar that occurs naturally in a food generally comes packaged with vitamins, minerals, and fiber…or all three. Meanwhile, added sugar contributes calories but no nutrients, so it’s smart to avoid foods that contain a lot of it....

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